Video 4:

The 3 Modalities

What’s in this Video:

“Stars die so we may live. We die so stars may be reborn.” - Karl Larson, 'Supernova'.

Most people know that each of the 12 signs of the zodiac corresponds to an element: Fire, Earth, Air, and Water. But the signs are also categorized into three "modalities": Cardinal, Fixed, and Mutable. Each sign is a unique combination of element and modality, and by understanding both facets, you can gain greater insight into a sign's motivation and objective.

The modalities, sometimes referred to as personal "qualities", speak to your general approach to life, your way of operating in the world, and in a sense, the purpose you're here to serve.

In this video you will learn:

  • What are modalities?
  • Cardinal, Fixed, and Mutable Modalities.

Introduction to Astrology

Astrology for Beginners. This self-paced, mini-course is great for beginners or anyone who is interested in learning the basic concepts of astrology. Taught by professional Danish astrologer, Johannes Lockwood, this informative course will explore concepts such as, sun signs, elements, modalities, and so much more! This free Astrology 101 mini-course consists of 7 short videos designed for fast and easy learning.

Up Next:

Video 5:

Sun Signs - An Overview
In the first 4 videos we learned about the basic theories with what constitutes the sun signs and what kinds of energies we are talking about, elements and modalities.
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