Video 7:

Final Overview

What’s in this Video:

Welcome to this seventh and final video of Astrology 101 min-course. You now know the basics of astrology… that there are the four elements - Fire, Air, Water, and Earth. Also, we talked about the three modalities, cardinal, fixed, and mutable. These are the building blocks of the twelve sun signs. Astrology is a big subject and can get very complicated the deeper you go, so knowing these basic concepts can be very helpful. Hopefully, you have enjoyed our free mini-course and are inspired to learn even more!

In this video you will learn:

  • Final Overview & Bonus

Introduction to Astrology

Astrology for Beginners. This self-paced, mini-course is great for beginners or anyone who is interested in learning the basic concepts of astrology. Taught by professional Danish astrologer, Johannes Lockwood, this informative course will explore concepts such as, sun signs, elements, modalities, and so much more! This free Astrology 101 mini-course consists of 7 short videos designed for fast and easy learning.
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