What is the History of Tarot and how does it work? 

The history of Tarot Cards reveal that the Tarot first came into existence in 1391. Although tarot card reading is prevalent today, it wasn't preferred some decades back as there …

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As Jupiter heads toward Aquarius – The time has come to turn dreams into reality

Jupiter is the planet of growth, luck, knowledge, wealth, is is preparing to enter Aquarius on December 20, 2020, after a period of 12 very long years. This is the …

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What the stars say about COVID-19 (aka the Corona Virus)

Astrology for 2020 has shifted with truly rare outcomes. The Saturn- Pluto conjunction in Capricorn On this day, December 31st, Saturn was at 21 degrees in Capricorn, and Pluto was …

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Understanding Corporate Astrology

Understanding Corporate Astrology Astrology is a pseudoscience that proclaims future readings though divine data about human issues by analyzing the progress and positioning of heavenly objects corresponding to one another. …

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Vedic Astrology and Stars

The meaning of Vedic Astrology          Vedic astrology is a fairly new term that refers to Hindu or Indian astrology, it is also denoted as jyotish. The principles of belief are …

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