Step 3 of 3

Tell Us Where To Deliver Your

Based on your birthday and birthplace data, our astrologers will prepare a personal report to help you understand what the universe says about you. Please let us know where to send your personal FREE mini-reading.

Nobody wants to be bothered with ads on their phone. We will use your phone number solely to send you a quick notification when your report is ready. We don't want you to miss such important information about yourself and your life.
Nobody wants to be bothered with ads on their phone. We will use your phone number solely to send you a quick notification when your report is ready. We don't want you to miss such important information about yourself and your life.

Our personal readings have helped many people like you
take control of their lives. Here are some of their inspirational stories:

Now I know myself!

“I love to travel a lot, and for many years, I’ve struggled to choose destinations that I enjoy. But after I’ve started learning about myself with the help of HoroscopePros, I realized that I am more spontaneous than I thought and that making last-moment decisions about my travel destinations is the best approach for me. And yes, the last 3 countries I visited felt amazing! I’ve never been so excited in my life. Thank you, guys!”

Elizabeth M

This was a great investment!

“I bought the full reading, and so far, it has been pretty helpful. My daughter and I had some issues and arguments in the past several years, and I never understood what made her do the stuff she did. And in turn, she always accused me of being selfish. But once I’ve read my life report, I realized that I was in the wrong, and if the Universe tells me to take a step back, perhaps I should reconsider.

I started being more engaging with my daughter, and she felt it. Now she visits me more often and shares more stuff about her life. I am glad that I tried this reading because I was too afraid to make a change in my life on my own.”

Nathalie P.

I am surprised by how accurate it is!

“I didn’t believe in astrology before because it was too vague. Only twelve signs for billions of people?! But then I came across HoroscopePros. Their readings are based on the exact date and place of birth. I’ve learned more about myself from my life compass subscription than I did in my entire life! Nothing beats science!”

Marie K.

Got my confidence back.

“My parents always told me that I should be more confident. My ex-boyfriend used to treat me like his possession, and I was too afraid to leave him because I thought that I wouldn’t find another one like him.

I was depressed and seeking a way out. Not sure if it was destiny or coincidence, but I accidentally came across HoroscopePros & purchased their Life Map & Personality Report pack. I’ve spent a week reading & learning everything I could about myself. That gave me the confidence boost I needed, & today I am in a happy relationship with a person that cares about me & loves me. Thank you!”

Lorie F.

I am very happy with my subscription!

“I just want to say that I love my life compass subscription. Every week I get some good advice about what I could do and what I could expect. So far, it helped me move forward with several important decisions that I would be too afraid to make on my own. This is great and pretty cheap, too!”

Matt P.
NOTE: Your personal information is used ONLY for Astrological calculations and your personalized readings. Unless required to fulfill our obligation to you, we NEVER share your personal information with third party companies without your consent.