Astrology Forecast: October 2022

Welcome to autumn and your astrological forecast for October 2022!

I´m Johannes and I´m an astrologer from Copenhagen, Denmark together with I have made this newsletter to help you navigate the themes of YOUR life according to the stars. 

I will PROVIDE YOU with personal astrological guidance  - so you can live the best and most authentic life in October. 

As the Sun shifts from the sign of Leo into Virgo, there is wisdom in listening to the messages of both signs on either side of the neighboring wall (in this case it would be taking the energy of Leo, into the lessons of Virgo so that you can express in a Libra way).

My little sister was disappointed she didn't get selected for an upcoming dance performance... "I just want to be on stage," she said! This is Leo energy speaking...

So I told her to integrate that desire with Virgo energy... "Focus on practicing your craft and honing your skills everyday...

And soon you'll be creating art and beauty!" (qualities Libra energy values highly!)Remember that you are a divine being meant to shine your light AND that nothing comes without work or dedication. After all, “practice makes perfect”.

Interested in learning more about basic astrology concepts? Sign up for our FREE Astrology 101 mini-course.


October Newsletter Aries 1024x576


Endings in and of themselves are new beginnings. You close one door and ultimately open and go through another. This month ahead, give yourself a lot of space for introspection and integrating the changes you’re going through. Watch Johannes' forecast for Aries.

October Newsletter Taurus 1024x576


Connection with others is one of the most satisfying parts of life. It can also be one of the most challenging. Part of opening up requires the hard work of being vulnerable—being laid bare in front of another in hope of belonging.Watch Johannes' forecast for Taurus.

October Newsletter Gemini 1024x576


Taking responsibility can look like saying no to things that may need your specific expertise, but which you have neither the time nor the interest to do. Just because “someone” has to do it, and even if the most capable someone is you, does not mean you have to do it.Watch Johannes' forecast for Gemini.

October Newsletter Cancer 1024x576


If anyone knows the high stakes of sharing your innermost desires, it’s definitely you. Perhaps a helpful homework for the month ahead is to confront and unpack the shame you associate with your desires. Watch Johannes' forecast for Cancer.

October Newsletter Leo 1024x576


If you live in relative safety and joy at home, what parameters facilitate this reality? What would it look like to make this happen if you don’t have this safe and joyful space? This month ahead propels you to consider creating a sanctuary that receives and nourishes you. Watch Johannes' forecast for Leo.

October Newsletter Virgo 1024x576


You are definitely someone who values and takes the impact of words seriously. You’re invited to critically assess your storytelling and relational tools this month. Is your first impulse to point out what’s wrong? Do you tend to agree before completely understanding? Do you like the feeling of being adored for your intelligence? Watch Johannes' forecast for Virgo.

October Newsletter Libra 1024x576


For both environmental and financial reasons, moving away from acquiring more stuff is on a lot of minds lately. This month, you may become more aware of the tools required to sustain your material stability. Watch Johannes' forecast for Libra.

October Newsletter Scorpio 1024x576


For a while now, you may have been feeling like a new person living a completely different life compared to last year. And even if your life is not completely different, you’re probably still on the verge of some tremendous caterpillar-to-butterfly metamorphosis. Watch Johannes' forecast for Scorpio.

October Newsletter Sagittarius 1024x576


This month, more than any other time, is about tending to your neglected, elusive and hard-to-access needs. One way to understand what those are could be to pay attention to any dreams you’re having (write them down if you can). Watch Johannes' forecast for Sagittarius.

October Newsletter Capricorn 1024x576


Making friends, especially as an adult, without the outlets of school or work as places of contact, can be very challenging. However, shared ideals that can manifest as shared activities can facilitate the blossoming of friendships. Watch Johannes' forecast for Capricorn.

October Newsletter Aquarius 1024x576


A reflection prompt for you this month is to imagine what it would be like to embark on a new direction. To dream a new dream. It is easy to get stuck on keeping with an identity, a worldview, a job, a relationship, or any context or situation simply because you’ve put so much time into it. Watch Johannes' forecast for Aquarius.

October Newsletter Pisces 1024x576


What worldviews, philosophies and beliefs have shaken your reality to the point that you can no longer unsee the previous paradigm you lived under? For example, how much does your relationship with systems like astrology nourish and support your life? This month ahead is about discerning the beliefs you embody that generate your growth instead of the ones that enable your negative self-concept. Watch Johannes' forecast for Pisces.

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