Career Forecast - Check your Daily Career Horoscope

Jobs and finances these days can be up in the air with everything going on globally and in your personal life.

Worry not, this daily career horoscope should provide you with some guidance and insight on what’s going on for you in these upcoming days in your professional life.

Career Horoscope: Will Your Day at Work be a Successful One?

Transiting Jupiter is conjunct to the Sun right now and will be for the next month or so. This transit will give you a general feeling of contentment and a heightened state of well-being throughout all aspects of your life—especially in your career.

Work for this entire month is going to go smoothly in a general sense. Continue reading below to see which zodiac sign will be the luckiest in their career this week and who’s most likely to start a new job or a raise!

Is a Promotion or Raise in Your Future?

Everyone wants to know if they’ll be getting that promotion or the bonus they’ve been looking forward to, and rightfully so.

It’s always good to have reassurance when finances and your career are involved. These next few career horoscopes for the signs can help ease your anxieties and guide you to creating achievable goals for your future.

The signs that are most likely to get a raise or promotion in the near future are Aries and Sagittarius. These Sun signs have fantastic aspects to transiting Jupiter that makes for a fortunate next few months.

They are also both Fire signs which gives them an edge and more power when asserting themselves into achieving their goals.

Career Advice & What’s Best for You


If your Sun sign is Aquarius it is conjunct with transiting Jupiter and this will be a truly wonderful time for you.

You will likely feel more optimistic and confident, and your attitude towards work and colleagues shifts to a more positive tone.

Your near future is bright and there are many opportunities for growth coming your way soon.

Gemini and Libra

Gemini and Libra Suns should be taking their time to relax and unwind from their stressful work lives.

Now is a good time to travel or take some time off if you can afford to as it will ultimately benefit your health and work ethic.

Much less irritated by minor inconveniences now, you’re letting things slide which is better and more progressive for your mental state. This development will help you in the workplace, especially if you can sustain this attitude once this major transit is over.

Taurus and Scorpio

Taurus and Scorpio are taking on the stresses that Gemini and Libra had seemingly left behind. 

These two signs are focused on long-term goals so much and they’re not seeing what’s right in front of them. If your Sun is in Taurus or Scorpio, be wary of what you prioritize now. You’re more likely to take risks to get closer to your goals, and these risks are likely to work out in your favor.

However, it is not what you need to do for your current professional situation. Seeking out new opportunities for growth and advancement is advised, but trying your best to keep these goals realistic is in your best interest.


If you’re a Leo you may notice that you have extra energy lying around that came out of seemingly nowhere, but this is Jupiter’s positive influence on you.

Your need for fulfillment and success is strong and you may take this as an okay time to treat yourself, and it is, but do so in moderation.

Now is a time of great excess and you’re likely to regret any big purchases, investments, or commitments at this time.

Aries and Sagittarius

All things money and business are going exceedingly well for Aries and Sagittarius Suns at this time.

Business relationships are pleasant and easy-going and you may receive a bigger workload than you’re used to. A raise, promotion, or new business opportunity is highly likely as well. 

Cancer and Virgo

If you’re a Cancer or a Virgo you must be careful with your money around this time as you will tend to be, or at least seem, overconfident in all that you do.

Though you’re exceedingly capable, Jupiter’s influence on you is strong and you may come off as foolishly optimistic. Be wary not to overlook small details and try to steer clear of making any commitments or agreements to others.

Pisces and Capricorn

For Pisces and Capricorn, things should be going smoothly as usual. There is no strong aspect to these Sun signs with transiting Jupiter. There’s not much happening financially or professionally. 

For more daily career horoscopes, look back to our website! You may also comment your zodiac sign down below and let us know what your dream job is!