Transit of Dec. 22, 2022: Venus in Capricorn trine Uranus in Taurus

Venus trine Uranus transit gives an urge to try something new that can apply to all areas of life, from hobbies to romance. Your affections will be stimulated, and new love is quite possible under this influence. Applying yourself to a boring routine may be difficult as you are easily distracted by anything new or shiny.

If you already have a partner, you will seek a different kind of pleasure. Experimentation in the bedroom may be necessary to keep your eyes from wandering. If single, then this transit increases the odds of finding someone new. An electric or kinky type of attractiveness will bring eccentric types within your range, or you may be attracted to and attract people from cultures or lifestyles different from yours.

A new relationship started at this time will satisfy your need for love and excitement, but it may not last too long. Sexual affairs are associated with this transit, and you may even be attracted to moderately dangerous situations.

This is a good time for socializing as you will enjoy increased popularity and freedom to get out and about. A great time to set off without definite plans or hold a celebration out of the blue. Expect the unexpected, even with routine activities such as shopping. If you are shopping, this would be an excellent time to buy beauty and fashion products to spruce up your image. You would find a bargain or two if shopping online.

You will have an eye for beautiful things of a unique kind. There is also the chance of a financial bonus or windfall. If your finances allow, then even gambling would be enjoyable. Creativity is stimulated now, and you could experiment with new kinds of dance, music, art, and craft.