Transit of April 12, 2022: Jupiter conjunct Neptune

This is also a time of increased intuition, so you can trust your gut feelings more when making important decisions.

You may find that you are particularly compassionate and understanding during this transit, as well as being more idealistic. This is a great time to connect with like-minded people who share your spiritual values and goals. You may also be inspired to create art or music that expresses your deep inner feelings. Just be careful not to get lost in your own fantasy world, or become too caught up in illusions and unrealistic dreams. Make sure to stay grounded in the real world while enjoying the beauty of your spiritual journey.

Jupiter conjunct Neptune transit can be a time of spiritual growth and enlightenment. You may find that your beliefs and values are shifting, and you are more open to new possibilities. This is a great time to explore your spiritual side, and connect with like-minded people. You may also be inspired to create art or music that expresses your deep inner feelings. Just be careful not to get lost in your own fantasy world, or become too caught up in illusions and unrealistic dreams. Make sure to stay grounded in the real world while enjoying the beauty of your spiritual journey.

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