Category Archives: Transits

Transit of Sept. 16, 2022: Venus in Virgo square Mars in Gemini

An anxiety-ridden day in which we feel like we’re under the microscope of judgment and criticism.

Transit of Sept. 11, 2022: Sun in Virgo trine Uranus in Taurus

This enthusiastic aspect brings an abundance of joy and positivity where anything can happen.

Transit of Sept. 10, 2022: Full moon in Pisces

This dreamy lunation gives us the uplifting vibes we need to get through the retrograde. The full moon helps us shift our focus from worrying about things we cannot control …

Transit of Sept. 09, 2022: Mercury goes retrograde in Libra

Finally, we’re able to move forward and start helping others in need, rather than just focusing on our inner growth. It’s a good time to do some volunteer work.

Transit of Sept. 06, 2022: Pallas enters Cancer

During this transit, we’re encouraged to seek out wise mentors and take the advice of older family members.