Category Archives: Transits

Transit of Sept. 23, 2022: Mercury retrograde enters Virgo

Back again in Virgo, Mercury is comforted in its ruling sign, but can cause plenty of anxiety for us as we are disordered and hyper-focused on flaws and the need …

Transit of Sept. 22, 2022: Sun in Libra conjunct Mercury in Libra

Read over any important contract before putting your signature on it. During this aspect, major decisions require careful consideration.

Transit of Sept. 22, 2022: Sun enters Libra/Fall Equinox

The fall equinox is a day of balance and harmony as the hours of lightness and darkness are equal. On a similar theme, Libra season brings peace, compromise, and harmony …

Transit of Sept. 18, 2022: Mercury in Libra opposition Jupiter in Aries

Avoid making promises today, as they will be very difficult to keep during this tricky aspect.

Transit of Sept. 16, 2022: Sun in Virgo opposition Neptune in Pisces

An exhausting day that zaps our vitality and energy. Focus on relaxing hobbies rather than major tasks.