Every Day in Every Way, Sagittarius Gets Better and Better
Sagittarius has a wonderful opportunity to improve their quality of life this May, as their daily horoscope indicates. That’s because the vibrant Sun will be touring their 6th House of Work and Wellbeing from the 1st and the 20th, attracting both great jobs and wonderful opportunities to improve their health.
Negotiating a contract is a strong possibility for Sagittarius on the 4th when clever Mercury moves into their 7th House of Relationships. As their daily horoscope shows, the archer can make a wonderful business or romantic alliance between then and June 22nd, when this stimulating phase lasts.
Love will be in the air for the archer starting on the 9th when romantic Venus moves into their 7th House of Relationships. This sign’s love horoscope will give both single and spliced archers wonderful advice on making the most of this golden period.
Starting on the 21st, the magnetic Sun will move through the archer’s 7th House of Partnerships, where it will stay until July 22nd. This sign should check their love horoscope regularly during this time, as it will put them on the path to romance.
The new moon on the 11th could bring welcome news about this sign’s career since it will rise in their 6th House of Work and Wellbeing. After checking their daily money horoscope, the archer may discover a fantastic job that brings a steady paycheck.
The 13th will mark an exciting point in Sagittarius’s life, thanks to Jupiter, their ruling planet, moving into their 4th House of Domesticity, which is reflected by their daily horoscope. Any archer that wants to relocate or upgrade their living space should make their move between then and July 28th, when their luck in this area will be exceptional.
Saturn, the planet of responsibility, will go retrograde from the 23rd through October 11th in Sagittarius’s 3rd House of Communication. Much to their relief, this sign will find it much easier to get the intellectual stimulation they crave; checking their daily horoscope during this period will alert them to the best times to sign up for classes, work on writing projects, and share their ideas.
On the 26th, a lunar eclipse falls in Sagittarius’s 1st House of Identity, putting an end to an oppressive role they’ve been playing. Smart archers should check their daily horoscope to discover exactly which path they should follow during this liberating time.
Mercury, the planet of communication, will go retrograde in Sagittarius’s 7th House of Partnerships, creating confusion with both romantic and business partners. As indicated by their daily horoscope, Archers should go light on their brutal honesty between then and June 22nd.
Love and Dating for Sagittarius in May 2021
Sagittarians who are looking for love could find it starting on the 4th when inquisitive Mercury moves into their 7th House of Partnerships. As their love horoscope shows, this is a great time for archers to post profiles on dating websites or approach the objects of their desire.
On the 9th, archers will step into their power as sex symbols, since alluring Venus will be moving through their 7th House of Partnerships between then and June 2nd. According to their daily horoscope, winning hearts will be as natural as breathing during this romantic period.
Sagittarians who are in committed relationships will get some exciting news about their partner on the 12th when communicative Mercury forms a beneficial angle to established Saturn. The Archer’s love horoscope will be especially rewarding on this day.
Someone could whisper sweet nothings into the archer’s ear on the 20th when enticing Venus gives a flirtatious wink to serious Saturn. This sign’s love horoscope will fill romantic Sagittarians with happiness on this wonderful day.
On the 21st, the magnetic Sun moves into the archer’s 7th House of Relationships and will stay there until July 22nd. This will be a great time for Sagittarius to attract admirers with their humor, intelligence, and sense of adventure, as their love horoscope indicates.
Mental Mercury will go retrograde on the 29th in Sagittarius’s 7th House of Partnerships through June 22nd. As indicated by their daily horoscope, brutally honest archers should make an extra effort to practice diplomacy with their love interests during this bewildering period.
Career and Work for Sagittarius in May 2021
The archer will have exceptional career luck this May, thanks to the vivacious Sun’s tour of their 6th House of Work and Wellbeing from the 1st until the 20th. As their daily money horoscope shows, there will be many opportunities for Sagittarians to find steady work during this exciting period.
A job interview, business meeting, or salary negotiation will go extremely well on the 2nd, thanks to a beneficial angle between Mercury and Pluto in Sagittarius’s 2nd House of Earned Income. As their career horoscope reflects, this could be a very prosperous day for archers.
An exciting money-making opportunity will fall on the 6th, thanks to abundant Venus’s supportive trine to resourceful Pluto. Any Sagittarius who has a choice between taking a flat salary or earning a commission should pick the latter, as their daily money horoscope shows.
Ambitious Sagittarians could get a promotion or high profile job on the 17th, thanks to a beneficial trine between the commanding Sun and imposing Pluto. As reflected by their daily horoscope, the archer could get a big boost up the ladder to success on this wonderful day.
Health for Sagittarius in May 2021
Sagittarius will enjoy vibrant health this month, especially between the 1st and 20th. That’s because the life-giving Sun will be touring the archer’s 6th House of Work and Wellbeing, which their daily horoscope indicates.
Any archer that wants to embark on a fitness routine should do so on the 11th when the new moon rises in their 6th House of Work and Wellbeing. As their daily horoscope shows, Sagittarius will benefit from a diet rich in organic foods, as well as an exercise regimen involving strength training.
Are you looking for a more detailed guide from the stars for this month? Let our astrological experts help you reach your sign’s full potential, join us at HoroscopePros.com today!
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