Tarot Reading this 2020

2020 is going to be a year that people will always remember. There will be lots of changes in your life, ups and downs, lessons to learn, and more. We see the rarest Saturn-Pluto conjunction, and then there are some eclipses taking place as well. All these things will keep you busy throughout the new year. Get ready for some breakthroughs! You might see some incredible positive changes in your life, or else you might struggle to get the leash of your life under control.

First position: Your lesson

There will be changes in your thought and behavior, and these changes are necessary for you. These will help you have a good flow of positive energy.

Be prepared because you are going to see a lot of changes in your life. There will some challenges to deal with, and amidst these tiresome situations, you might even question yourself why you are suffering like this. Why is this happening to you, and when will you come out of it. These are some normal questions that you will begin asking yourself. If you want to overcome these challenges, you will have to cut out all the confusion.

Second position: The journey

While your lesson card gave you a better understanding of the changes that might happen to you, your journey card reflects some of the tangible resources that you may have at your fingertips. If you follow Tarot’s advice properly, you will be able to bring back your life under control. You will be able to give a shape to your life that you might have lost track of because of cosmic turbulence.

Third position: Your Secret Weapon

Your Secret Weapon reflects the hidden power that you have hidden beneath you. You need to find that hidden power because that will help you overcome all the obstacles that you are going through. Try to use it to your advantage so that you can get over all the difficulties in your life.