Transit of May 8, 2022: First Quarter Moon

This is the time to take risks and make things happen. The First Quarter phase is usually associated with the Aries sign.

The Second Quarter phase is Reflective and Receptive. It is about taking a step back to reassess what has been accomplished in the First Quarter phase, consolidate gains, and prepare for the next push forward. This is a time of consolidation and planning. The Second Quarter phase is usually associated with the Cancer sign.

The Third Quarter phase is Consolidating and Correcting. It is about putting the finishing touches on what was started in the previous phases, making any necessary adjustments, and preparing for the final push. This is a time of fine-tuning and completing tasks. The Third Quarter phase is usually associated with the Libra sign.

The Fourth Quarter phase is Final and Accomplishing. It is about bringing the goal to fruition, completing the task, and achieving the vision. This is a time of realization and fulfillment.

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