Vedic Astrology and Stars

The meaning of Vedic Astrology         

Vedic astrology is a fairly new term that refers to Hindu or Indian astrology, it is also denoted as jyotish. The principles of belief are common of those from Western astrology, planets and heavenly objects impact people’s lives.

In addition, jyotish is linked to its sister science Yoga and Ayurveda. Yoga practices serve purpose to reduce or increase the impact of specific planets on a yogi’s life. Some of the methodologies used in this activity are mantras, meditation, breathing exercises and asanas to name a few. Vedic astrology feedback and vision associated to a yogi’s strengths and weaknesses, this results as a blueprint for proper guidance on how to engage yoga practice.

Vedic astrology is part of the ancient Hindu scriptures best known as vedangas of the Vedas which are six sciences that must be studied in totality in order to properly practice and comprehend the essence of Vedic teachings. According to Vedic astrology, karma dictates the outcome of one’s destiny which is all mapped out through astrological design.

Among the similarities between Vedic and Western astrology are the 12 zodiac signs. However, Vedic astrology defines the rising sign via the exact moment of birth as opposed to relying on the 30 day sun sign which is how traditional Western astrology works.

Furthermore, the sun signs in both formats of astrology are differentiated by 24 degrees. Therefore, different constellations will depict the various signs. Vedic astrology also counts with the presence of the so called jyotishacharaya, a master astrologer that uses a series of charts to transcribe horoscope profiles to the core on an individual level.

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