In Every Day and in Every Way, The Water Bearer Is Getting Better and Better
As shown by their daily horoscope, Aquarius will get a big boost to their health this July. The vivacious Sun tours their 6th House of Work and Wellbeing between the 1st and the 21st, making it a great time for the water-bearer to launch a fitness regimen, recover from a persistent illness, or get more rest.
The new moon on the 9th will send healing vibrations throughout the water bearer’s 6th House of Work and Wellbeing. Their career horoscope indicates this a great time for unemployed Aquarians to find a great job—here’s a strong possibility this position can be performed from home.
On the 23rd, the full moon will rise in Aquarius’s 1st House of Identity, putting an end to a demanding role for this sign. Their daily horoscope will urge the water bearer to loosen up and have more fun, enjoying their favorite hobbies and spending more time on romantic pursuits.
Aquarius will get a divine opportunity to showcase their talent starting on the 28th, when lucky Jupiter moves into their 1st House of Identity, where it will stay until December 28th.
Aspirational Aquarians should check their daily horoscope on a daily basis throughout this golden period, as it will lead them to the many financial, romantic, and creative opportunities that will grace their sign.
Love and Dating for Aquarius in July 2021
One of the most romantic days of the year will send Aquarius a double dose of pleasure on the 13th. That’s when alluring Venus teams up with sexy Mars in the sign’s 7th House of Partnerships. As their love horoscope reflects, this will be a great day for the water bearer to meet their soulmate, get engaged, or exchange vows.
The water bearer’s love life will sizzle with excitement starting on the 21st when enticing Venus moves into their 8th House of Intimacy and Joint Finances. Blissful encounters with the object of their desire will be frequent for Aquarius between then and August 15th, which their love horoscope shows.
Career and Work for Aquarius in July 2021
Landing a great job on the 9th could have the water bearer smiling from ear to ear. As their career horoscope reflects, the new moon’s presence in their 6th House of Work and Wellbeing could result in a work opportunity involving childcare, hospitality, or real estate.
Regardless of what industry this sign is pursuing, they’ll be especially lucky on this enriching day.
Expansive Jupiter will be touring Aquarius’s 2nd House of Earned Income until the 28th. Water bearers who want a raise or high-paying job should make their move early in July for best results. The water bearer should check out his daily money horoscope regularly throughout this period to discover the best ways to improve their financial status.
Health for Aquarius in July 2021
Aquarius will enjoy vibrant health for most of the month, which their daily horoscope shows. Thanks to the robust Sun moving through their 6th House of Work and Wellbeing, the water bearer will be looking and feeling their best.
Starting a fitness regimen on the 9th will be especially effective since the new moon will be beaming fortifying energy to Aquarius.
If you to consult with an astrology expert for more insight on your month’s horoscope, join us at today!
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