Two Hearts Beat as One for The Goat
July will be an especially romantic month for Capricorn since the charismatic Sun moves through their 7th House of Relationships between the 1st and 21st. Checking their love horoscope is strongly advised for goats searching for romance.
Finding a tender, attentive, and humorous partner is a strong possibility for singles, while Capricorns in committed relationships may feel like they’re falling in love all over again with their mates.
On the 9th, the new moon may find the goat embarking on a romance, getting engaged, or exchanging vows, as their daily horoscope reflects. That’s because their 7th House of Relationships will be energized by the tender Moon, paving the way for a loving exchange.
The full moon on the 23rd could mark the ending of an income stream for Capricorn. As their career horoscope shows, this will come as a tremendous relief to the goat, since the work was incredibly demanding and didn’t pay very much.
Fortunately, there’s very good news ahead for this industrious sign as far as money is concerned.
Capricorn’s finances will get a big boost starting on the 28th, when expansive Jupiter moves into their 2nd House of Earned Income, where it will stay until December 28th. Any goat wanting to increase their finances should check their daily money horoscope regularly during this abundant period.
Love and Dating for Capricorn in July 2021
The new moon on the 9th bodes well for goats who are seeking a serious commitment since this divine celestial body will be infusing their 7th House of Partnerships with romantic energy.
As shown by their love horoscope, Capricorn could meet someone special, get engaged, or exchange wedding vows on this important day.
The 13th may prove to be a very passionate day for Capricorn since enticing Venus meets with sexy Mars in their 8th House of Intimacy and Joint Finances. Love-minded Goats should definitely check their daily horoscope for advice on this magical day.
Career and Work for Capricorn in July 2021
A work assignment could come to an end on the 23rd for Capricorn, due to the full moon in Aquarius rising in their 2nd House of Earned Income.
As shown by their daily money horoscope, this will feel like a blessing in disguise to the goat, who felt like this job paid too little for the serious responsibilities involved.
Fortunately, expansive Jupiter will move into Capricorn’s 2nd House of Earned Income on the 28th, attracting the lucrative and enjoyable work this sign enjoys.
Ambitious Goats should check their career horoscope regularly between this date and December 28th, while this abundant phase lasts.
Health for Capricorn in 2021
The goat’s health could be strained in July. That’s because Mercury, the ruler of their 6th House of Work and Wellbeing, will oppose their Sun on the 25th. Hard-working goats should scale back their schedule on this stressful day.
As their daily horoscope shows, cosmetic procedures also should be avoided at this time.
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